Tuesday 24 September 2013

Photography Evaluation

The photograph I decided to take was a picture of the Ghost face character from the Scream series laying drunk on the floor with empty bottles around him, I chose to take this photo because I wanted to parody the character in a different way that hasn't been seen before. 

I didn't want to take a expected photograph of the horror character stalking his victim or anything related to the franchise, I wanted to take the photograph beyond the horror genre and add a comedy vibe to the photo. I came up with the idea of making the character drunk from the film Scary Movie which parodies the Scream movies and also the Ghost Face character. In the film the character says "I need to stop drinking" and this is where the idea originated from.

This is the photo that I took, The settings I used were f-stop 11, a shutter speed of 1/4s and ISO 200. I was trying to make the photo blurred in places to give the effect of the character being drunk. 

And this is a enhanced version of my photo after I added shadows and highlights to it, I was trying to add the drunken effect to the photograph.

In the future I need more practice with the camera to become more aware of the features and how to use them. I could frame the photo better and also take advantage of the shutter speed and f-stop to add more blur to the photo. 

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